New Booking System FAQs

Applicable to All Sites

Person entering a sauna at Stratford Community Sauna London

Account Set Up

  • The Mindbody app and booking system will be closed from the 17th December at 5pm.

    If you have booking, account balance or remaining packages, you will have received an email inviting you to your new account.

    It can take up to 24 hours for any credit, gift cards, memberships, appointments booked to appear on your account.

    Otherwise you can go ahead and make a booking via the booking pages of this website.

  • In order to create an account simply complete a booking via the Booking Page for you preferred location.

    You will be asked to provide your full name, email address and a password to access your account during this process.

  • Follow this link


    The My Dashboard link on your first booking confirmation email.


    The sign into your account button on the:

    Hackney booking page

    Stratford booking page

    Bermondsey booking page

    Peckham booking page


    Sign in through our App

  • The new booking platform is provided by our friends at LegitFit, a booking software company.

  • Our new booking system, LegitFit, is primarily a used by the fitness industry software and as such,the Home screen on the web browser displays a range of fitness focused stats and goals.

    For Community Sauna relevant links, please simply scroll down to find, where your bookings and any relevant associated memberships will be listed.

    • Sign in to your account.

    • Select the person icon in the top right corner or the cog symbol to the bottom right of the menu.

    • Select account.

    • From here you can add a photo, update your contact details, and select either a dark or light theme.

  • The online messaging system allows you to keep up to date with the Community Sauna noticeboard notifications.

    It also allows you to message the Community Sauna admin team directly but during this transition period, we would ask you to continue to contact us via for a timely response to all bookings enquiries.

  • NoReply LegitFit

    Until the branding for community sauna is updated emails regarding your account and bookings for Bermondsey will be titled NoReply LegitFit and will have the LegitFit branding colours and logos.

    What is LegitFit?

    The new booking platform is provided by our friends at LegitFit, a booking software company.

    How do I turn On/Off Notifications?

    • Sign in to your account.

    • Select the person icon in the top right corner or the cog symbol to the bottom right of the menu.

    • Select Notifications.

    • Turn on or off as desired.

Two people smiling inside the sauna at Hackney Wick Community Sauna London

Bookings & Cancellations

  • What if I made a booking for Hackney and Stratford on the old system before 18/12/24

    If you completed a booking before the 18th of December 2024, you’ll receive:

    • A confirmation email from us.

    • An invite email from LegitFit containing a link to your booking and details of your new LegitFit account  (see the ‘How do I create an account’ FAQ for account access details)

    From there you can view your booking/bookings and make any amendments.

    Can I amend this booking?

    Yes. To reschedule bookings: 

    • Sign in to your LegitFit account.

    • Find the date and time of the booking you want to amend.

    • Under General Info select Cancel.

    • Select the new date and time you want to attend.

    • Complete the booking.

    NB: We created a LegitFit account for you when transferring your booking over to the new platform. You’ll find both the account and login details in the invite message.

    It can take up to 24 hours for any credit, gift cards, memberships, appointments booked to appear on your account.

  • Log in to your account (see ‘How do I sign in to my account’) then:

    Select Timetable from the main menu.

    Select the date and time you would like to book.


    Book Here for Hackney

    Book Here for Stratford

    Book Here for Bermondsey

    Book Here for Peckham


    Book through our App

  • The first time you sign in through the app, it will ask you to select your preferred booking location.

    Once you have done this, it will save this preferred location to your app account.

    If you would like to add a new location, click on the pen icon in the top right side.

    Scroll down and click ‘Sign out’.

    Now you will have the choice to Sign In for another preferred location. This will be save to your account, along with the previous location.

    Repeat the steps to add all our sites on your app account.

    See video instructions

  • If you have a Multiple Booking - please read the ‘Multiple Booking Rescheduling/Cancellation’ section in the accordion.

    How do I reschedule my booking?

    To reschedule your booking you will need to cancel and rebook, you can do this by following these steps:

    • Sign in to your account.

    • Find the date and time of the booking you want to amend.

    • Under general info select cancel.

    • Select the new date and time you want to attend.

    • Complete the booking.

      If I cancel my booking will I receive a refund?

      If you can no longer attend your booking, you can cancel up to 24 hours before the session start time and receive a full refund. 

      If you cancel less than 24 hours before the booked sessions Any later than that and we arewill be unable to issue you a refund or reschedule the session.

      Refunds can take up to 5 working days depending on your bank.

  • If you have a Multiple Booking - please read the ‘Multiple Booking Cancellation’ section in the accordion. Otherwise:

    How Do I Cancel My Booking?

    • Sign in to your account.

    • Select Timetable from the main menu.

    • Select the relevant date and time.

    • Select the booked session you would like to cancel.

    • Select cancel.

    If I cancel my booking will I receive a refund?

    If you can no longer attend your booking, you can cancel up to 24 hours before the session start time and receive a full refund. 

    If you cancel less than 24 hours before the booked sessions Any later than that and we arewill be unable to issue you a refund or reschedule the session.

    Refunds can take up to 5 working days depending on your bank.


    Select the ‘Timetable’ icon from the bottom of the screen

    Select the date and session you would like to book.

    Select the Payment method and the Terms of Conditions.

    Click ‘Complete booking’

    The Booking Details will now appear as a booking confirmation screen.

    On this screen, Click ‘Additional Booking’ and Repeat the booking process.

    Repeat the process as many times as needed depending on how many slots you would like to book.

    To view your booked slots, Click ‘Home’ in the bottom right corner. Then Select ‘My schedule’.

    Each booking needs to be cancelled individually of each other before re-booking. Please be aware we offer no refunds for cancellations under 24h as per our cancellations policy.

    See video instructions


    To make a multiple booking you will need to book via the calendar page of the specific sauna location:

    Once you have made a multiple booking the booking will show in your account on the Timetable.

    The quantity of bookings made is not confirmed on the email confirmation or reminder email.

    You can view your multiple bookings  by:

    • Signing into your account

    • Selecting Timetable from the menu

    • Selecting the date and time of the booking you wish to view

    • The number of bookings made is located at the top of the booking details page will be under Booking [number of bookings]

  • Multiple bookings can only be cancelled individually. 

    Please note cancelling one booking does not cancel all multiple bookings made.

    If you would like to cancel the bookings you will need to cancel them one by one by :

    • Signing into your account

    • Selecting Timetable from the menu

    • Selecting the date and time of the booking you wish to view

    • Selecting the booking you want to cancel from the drop down list titled  Booking [number of booking] at the top of the booking details page.

    • Selecting cancel 

    • Repeating the process of selecting the next Booking [number of booking] at the top of the booking details page and cancelling the individual booking

    • Repeating this until all desired sessions have been cancelled

  • How Do I Join the Waiting List?

    When a session is fully booked you will be given the option to join the Waiting List.

    NB: You will not be charged to join the Waiting List

    How will I know when a space becomes available?

    If a space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to book the session.

    The waiting list works on a first come, first served basis. 

  • If the Waged sessions are fully booked and there are Unwaged sessions available:

    • You can head to 'Packages' and purchase a waged package of the same session type.

    • Once purchased simply head back to the timetable to the unwaged session you want to book and select the waged package as a service to pay for your unwaged session.

Inside the plunge barrel at Community Sauna Baths in Hackney Wick London

Membership, Package sessions, Gift Cards & Credit Transfers

  • If you had an account balance on our old booking system, we will:

    • create a new account on the new LegitFit system, and 

    • add a Gift Card of the equivalent amount to your account.

    The new system does not allow your account to have a monetary credit attached. 

    Your equivalent Gift Card will be of the same value as your account balance in the previous system. It will offer you credit that can be used at Checkout to book future sauna sessions. 

    You can view your Gift Card in Packages

    You will be automatically prompted at the Checkout to use your Gift Card to pay for valid services. If you do not wish to use the Gift Card you can select to pay by an alternative method.

    Because the previous system was for our Stratford and Hackney Sauna sites only, the Gift Card you receive will only be valid at those sites. 

    It can take up to 24 hours for any credit, gift cards, memberships, appointments booked to appear on your account.

    If your account balance has not been transferred to a Gift Card please email us at

  • Update 29th Dec 2024: We have currently paused any new membership purchases to prioritise our present members. New membership updates in January 2025.

    Under the new LegitFit system, our memberships’ discount booking function has changed.

    Once you become a member, whether that be Regulars Club, Concession, NHS/Bluelight, Stratford, Locals, etc, you will be given access to Packages at the discounted cost associated with your membership.

    When booking, members will now need to purchase the relevant package at the discounted cost, and use that package at Checkout to pay for their session.

    The first time buying a package you will need to navigate to to buy the relevant package, logging in using your membership email. Subsequent purchases the package will be available at checkout

    All free concessional memberships will not be found under the Membership section of the account. Instead, the membership will be logged under Packages. From here, the member will see the expiry date of the membership.

    Membership packages will expire one month  after purchase. 

  • A note on the new system - Unfortunately we can no longer attach discounts to accounts, instead members will now need to purchase packages at a discounted rate (30% off) which can then be used to pay for sessions.

    How to Use Your Discount/Free Sessions:

    • Head to your Profile and select Products then Packages

    • Purchase the relevant discounted session package, i.e.: if you want to book an NHS Weekday session then book the NHS Off-Peak package. If you want to use your free NHS session then choose the free NHS package, you will not be charged.

    • Select Timetable from the menu on the left hand side

    • Find the session you want to book

    • The system will prompt you to pay for the session using the purchased package (it should appear under services)

    Please Note:The next time you go to book a session of the same type via our website, you will be prompted to buy another discounted package and use it to pay for that session.

    For instance, if you bought an NHS Off-Peak package, it will remember your previous purchase and suggest you buy a an NHS Off-Peak package to pay.

    However, if you want to book a different session type, i.e.: you had previously purchased a NHS Off-Peak package and you now want to purchase a NHS 1 Hour Morning Session, the option to purchase the latter package won’t appear, and you will have to repeat the bullet points above.

    Once you have repeated the steps for all the different session types (there are only 4), you will be able to breeze through checkout via our website.

  • Sign in to your account on the Hackney Location (see ‘Change sauna location’)

    After you purchase your membership, you will have access to the Regular’s Club Packages.

    Before booking, you will need to buy the right Package in order to book onto a particular session. You can do this by either:


    1. Selecting date and time of booking from 'Timetable'.

    2. Selecting 'Use Service'.

    3. Here you will see the option of Selecting the corresponding 'Regulars Club' Package for the session (in the video this is Regular's Club 1 Hour Sauna Session £4.75. This is because I selected the Stratford Morning One Hour Session).

    4. Once the correct 'Regulars Club' Package has been selected, make sure 'Use this package to enroll me in ... ' toggle is on. Check the Terms and Conditions and Pay.

    5. Check in the 'Home' screen, then 'My schedule' to see if your booking has gone through.

    OPTION B(if the Regular Club Package option is not apparent in 'Use Service' options)

    1. Check the date and time you would like to book from 'Timetable' (whether there are available slots).

    2. Make a note of what time/length session you would like to book.

    3. Go into 'Products' and search for the corresponding 'Regulars Club' Package.

    4. Purchase the Package.

    5. Come back to 'Timetable' and select date and time of booking.

    6. Selecting 'Use Service' follow the instructions from OPTION A (without having to pay, as you have already purchased the package)

    7. Check in the 'Home' screen, then 'My schedule' to see if your booking has gone through.

    See video instructionsHow to use Membership Packages on Community Sauna App

    Sign in to your account on the Hackney Location (see ‘Change sauna location’)

    After you purchase your membership, you will have access to the Regular’s Club Packages.

    Before booking, you will need to buy the right Package in order to book onto a particular session. You can do this by either:


    1. Selecting date and time of booking from 'Timetable'.

    2. Selecting 'Use Service'.

    3. Here you will see the option of Selecting the corresponding 'Regulars Club' Package for the session (in the video this is Regular's Club 1 Hour Sauna Session £4.75. This is because I selected the Stratford Morning One Hour Session).

    4. Once the correct 'Regulars Club' Package has been selected, make sure 'Use this package to enroll me in ... ' toggle is on. Check the Terms and Conditions and Pay.

    5. Check in the 'Home' screen, then 'My schedule' to see if your booking has gone through.

    OPTION B(if the Regular Club Package option is not apparent in 'Use Service' options)

    1. Check the date and time you would like to book from 'Timetable' (whether there are available slots).

    2. Make a note of what time/length session you would like to book.

    3. Go into 'Products' and search for the corresponding 'Regulars Club' Package.

    4. Purchase the Package.

    5. Come back to 'Timetable' and select date and time of booking.

    6. Selecting 'Use Service' follow the instructions from OPTION A (without having to pay, as you have already purchased the package)

    7. Check in the 'Home' screen, then 'My schedule' to see if your booking has gone through.

    See video instructions

  • Packages can be found in the main menu under Products and Packages

    What are Packages 

    Packages work like coupons. 

    You can purchase Packages and use these to book a session at Checkout.

    If you have a valid package for the session you are booking, you will be automatically prompted at Checkout to use that package. 

  • To redeem you Gift Card you first must email

    With your Gift Card number and full name 

    Your Gift Card will then be added to your account or we will create an account for you and send an account verification email.

    You can view your Gift Card and remaining sessions under Products and Packages.

    At checkout you will be automatically prompted to use your Gift Card as a ‘service’ to pay for a session as long as that gift card is valid for that booking. 

    You can opt to pay by card by selecting the an alternative payment method 

  • Update 29th Dec 2024: We have currently paused any new membership purchases to prioritise our present members. New membership updates in January 2025.

    Regulars Club can be purchased from the Hackney site account under the Products and Membership section of the account.

    Read more about Regular Club Membership

Still have a question?

If you have not found an answer to your query, please email us on describing the issue along with attaching a print screen of it.

With the implentation of our new booking system, we are expecting higher than usual work loads for our team. We advise you to allow up to 10 working days for a reply.